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Organiziramo dvo-dnevno izobraževanje o 'Finančnih Pravilih in Reviziji H2020 Projektov', kjer boste pridobili odgovore na vsa vprašanja povezana s finančnim upravljanjem projektov. Obravnavali bomo administrativne in pravne aspekte pomembne za uspešno upravljanje in vodenje projektov in se seznanili s potekom in zahtevami revizij EU inštitucij.

Z več kot dvajset-letnimi izkušnjami v računovodstvu in reviziji ter dobrim poznavanjem slovenske zakonodaje pri obračunavanju plač in računovodstva drugih stroškov, vam pomagamo pravilno umestiti in tolmačiti slovenska pravila, v širšem evropskem kontekstu.


Spoznajte finančna pravila in se pripravite na revizijo.

H 2020 Finančna 
Pravila in Revizija
06 - 07 December 2022
CENA: 750 
H 2020 Finančna 
Pravila in Revizija
CENA: 750 



I recently attended a Financial Management Training delivered by Mojca Ambroz. She is articulate and very informative on all aspects of H2020. We were in group of eight with various degrees of knowledge and Mrs Ambroz covered all the participants questions in a thoughtful and meaningful way with real life examples of Grant participation, reporting, audit, personnel costs and record keeping. She also has a great sense of humour and makes the training a delight. I would highly recommend her for your training requirements of ECs Horizon2020.
Shamla, Shell Global Solutions 
I recently attended a Financial Management Training delivered by Mojca Ambroz. She is articulate and very informative on all aspects of H2020. We were in group of eight with various degrees of knowledge and Mrs Ambroz covered all the participants questions in a thoughtful and meaningful way with real life examples of Grant participation, reporting, audit, personnel costs and record keeping. She also has a great sense of humour and makes the training a delight. I would highly recommend her for your training requirements of ECs Horizon2020.
Shamla, Shell Global Solutions 

Z veseljem delimo naše izkušnje in znanje.

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